The Truth About Jerry Hicks’s Illness And A Bungled Cover Up

The Truth About Jerry Hicks’s Illness And A Bungled Cover Up

Jerry Hicks’s Illness Story: Chemotherapy, a Fire Ant Bite, and What Abraham Hicks Tried to Hide

On May 7th, 2011, Abraham-Hicks subscribers got a starling email alert: An Abraham LIVE event for that day was canceled. It was because of Jerry Hicks’s illness…

By David Stone

Special to The Roosevelt Island Daily News

macro photography of a fire ant
Photo by Egor Kamelev on

Jerry Hicks was sick, they said. His illness required his immediately taking time off for recovery.

Re-spinning the story with twists and turns evading news of Jerry Hicks’s cancer gave followers something unsettling to think about.

The unfolding is probably best told in a simple timeline.

But let’s start by noting that Esther Hicks teaches that we get in life that for which we are a “vibrational match.” We create our realities through our “vibrations,” however conscious or unconscious.

We have, she says, a “vibrational countenance” presented to “the universe,” a way of asking, and the universe answers precisely.

“No exceptions,” as Esther is fond of announcing.

That’s the simplest version. But her teachings say that we give ourselves our illnesses, including cancer. It’s our thinking and beliefs that do the job. And she agrees with her mentor, Sheila Gillette, who channels Theo, that every death is a suicide.

She also tells us we can easily return to exuberant good health, if we want, by changing our vibrations. This, she says, may require as little as an afternoon for the worst illnesses.

Finally, Jerry’s life-threatening illness tested her convictions. Not to mention core parts of Abraham’s so-called “teachings.”

“It’s ‘good to see the old ones go,” she always said. Or ‘croak,’ as she offered with a chuckle.

But, was it still?

Jerry Hicks Fire Ant Bite, Starting the Jerry Hicks Cancer Story Timeline

On May 7th, an unprecedented email alert announced the cancellation of an Abraham-Hicks workshop set for that day. A sidebar explained that Jerry Hicks’s previously undisclosed fire ant bite required an immediate halt in activities. But no word on how he “attracted” this bite?

In a later email, Jerry said, on this day, he started “heavy chemotherapy.”

May 12th, five days into the still unrevealed chemotherapy, a new email alert from Esther and Jerry arrived.

We are greatly enjoying our rejuvenating time off, and eagerly looking forward to the next Abraham workshop in Washington, D.C.

This included a hot link for registration to the $200 per day workshop. And further on were sales pitches for both a new series of edited recordings and guided meditations.

This just about matched earlier money-grubbing efforts to have Abraham, a “nonphysical entity,” shill for meditation CDs.

“These will get you into the vortex!” Abraham reportedly told Jerry.

May 25th, Jerry’s illness could no longer hide behind weird claims about the bite from hell. In an email blast to followers, Jerry told the story himself. A klutzy attempt to wash away all the lying that preceded it.

Below is an unedited version of the email. Watch how he cleverly sets up the fire ant bite. Given Esther’s outrageous claims about cancer, it’s no surprise that they never use the word. But ‘heavy chemotherapy’ is what Jerry Hicks says he’s chosen.

The “path of least resistance, ” he claims.

Pretty deft, I think.

Jerry Hicks’s Illness Story Starts With This Email…

‘This is Jerry. First I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your messages both telepathically and emaily of encouragement and good cheer. Next, Abraham and I have discussed the chain of thought that brought this about and I’m satisfied that I’m not going to do that again. Next, here’s the scenario as I now see it. On March 12, 2011 we flew from Del Mar to Boca Raton, Fl where we slept next to the dock with many yachts from many different parts of the world in the slip right outside our window. When I awakened the next morning I had a large welt on the inside of my wrist that looked like a giant fire ant bite. The most unusual thing about it was instead of the usual circular puss-like head that comes up from many insect bites it was a strangely cube-like head. It looked more like a spider bite. I put a Band-Aid on it and we continued the Panamanian cruise. It seemed to resolve into itself as time went along forming a pea-shaped nodule on my wrist. On April 18, I showed it to a dermatologist in Del Mar and she immediately decided to scrape it off and sent it in for a biopsy. We continued our seminar tour and returned to San Antonio getting ready for our spring East Coast run when we heard back from the biopsy results that there was something amiss relative to my white blood cell count and she put us in touch with a dermatologist in San Antonio who was an old school friend of hers. The subsequent blood test in San Antonio showed that my white blood cell count was extremely exaggerated and the physician insisted that I undergo immediate treatment with no delay. He pointed out a number of options, one of them was to use the “big guns” (heavy chemotherapy) and so we decided to go along with that and checked into the hospital on May 6th.
We were swept up in such an obvious current of amazing “path of least resistance” events unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. The strong feeling that we were proceeding in exactly the right direction continued as my response to these “big guns” was a week of no discomfort and none of the highly forewarned side effects. Everyone around us at the hospital kept speaking their surprise at my unusually comfortable experience. We are now in day 18 of a 28 day regimen of bringing my blood counts back into perfect balance.
Until I gain back 15 pounds of energetic flesh and return to my normal zippy do dah self…’

Jerry Hicks, Email Blast, May 25th, 2011.

A Fire Ant Bite Caused a 15-Pound Weight Loss?

Jerry lost fifteen pounds, and that was news. But it also suggested that his illness went farther back

June 10th. A seemingly innocuous email alert, Esther and Jerry Hicks grovel, selling a seminar. Loaded with signals, something amiss in Jerry’s story. First and glaringly for an operation that is usually super smooth, the subject line refers to ‘Abraham Hicks Life,’ not the correct, ‘Abraham Hicks LIVE.’ Simple enough error, if not compounded.

In what appears a desperate attempt to fill up seats and screens, after a swooning embrace of the online concept, the email asks those wishing to attend to “call the office tomorrow,” giving the hours, and offers one-click registration as well. “Tomorrow,” though, would be the day of the event and too late to register.

Since it also says, “We are headed for Denver,” it suggests that the email was composed earlier and emailed late. Maybe another cancellation was being contemplated.

Even as Esther and Jerry Hicks tried fogging his illness by having Jerry comment on how great the online version is and explain away cancellations by saying he and Esther were “playing” together during the week, the efforts to avoid the truth seemed as strained as the cheery acceptance.

It grew clear that Esther would never disclose Jerry Hicks’ illness, or whatever required ‘heavy chemotherapy.’

I still wish they had the integrity to come clean. A little honesty from Esther and Jerry, if something they are still capable of, might go along way, helping followers understand and relieve the stigma they’ve so frequently placed on others suffering from serious illnesses.

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