Truth: Was Abraham Hicks Really Dead?

Truth: Was Abraham Hicks Really Dead?

Abraham Hicks is Dead is an excerpt from An Abraham Hicks Digest, a collection of online articles.

Note: I didn’t get this one 100% right. I wrote it during the painful summer interval following disclosure of Jerry Hicks’s cancer. The roof seemed to be falling in, but Esther eventually got the roadshow going again after Jerry’s death. But, tellingly, the promised series of books died with him. DS

By David Stone

Assorted Ideas, Large & Small

Abraham Hicks is dead. No one announced it, but missing are the spiritual teachers invented by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Probably for good.  

The Death of Abraham Hicks?

Everyone knew it was coming. Even true believers scrambled to find creative explanations about why it happened. But everyone really saw it coming.

Sadly, Esther Hicks and the team she assembled to help while Jerry fights cancer stuck to an evasive effort to shroud the internal workings from even the most ardent followers.

flowers marguerites destroyed dead
Photo by Gratisography on

First, they let Jerry write in his usual upbeat, peppy manner. Then, when the happy talk updates on his health became clearly inappropriate and demands for truth-telling rose, they made like Jerry Hicks didn’t exist.

The happy talk fluttered along, but in the background and without explanation, they cancelled event after event.  

Ending The Abraham Hicks Workshop Road Show

 The first event to go was an Abraham Hicks Workshop cruise, more than six months in advance. The cancellation of one of the top money makers so far in advance seemed ominous at the time, and it was.

Next, Esther Hicks canceled all workshop appearances that did not fall on weekends. Her explanation? She and Jerry wanted to “play” on weekdays during his recovery. 

Then, the cancelled some weekend events without explanation or announcement. They simply vanished from the schedule. They scrubbed heavily promoted and hyped LIVE online events completely.

Finally, today, a friend informed me that the last remaining Abraham Hicks workshop, once on the schedule for early December had vanished. Again, no notice.  

But Is Abraham Hicks Dead? An Online Skeleton

  It’s a little strange to see, but the tabs for workshops and the marketing come-ons remain on their website, which looks for all the world as it did a year ago, except that when you click the tab for upcoming workshops, nothing is there.

This seems like a shabby way to end an era in which thousands claim they have been helped by Jerry and Esther Hicks. And just as it exposes the fact that, in reality, Abraham Hicks wasn’t much more than Jerry’s inspired echo emerging from Esther Hicks, it doesn’t do anything to honor his legacy,.

That legacy has been tarnished by desperate attempts at maintaining the validity of the “teachings of Abraham.”


They might as well have been called the “teachings of Jerry Hicks,” because that’s what they were. He’s a bright man and well-versed in the spiritual field in where they sold their products.

His charismatic wife is deft and utterly convincing in claiming they were the teachings of otherworldly “nonphysical teachers,” who had access to “Source” (what most people call “God”) as well as all the wisdom accumulated in the history of mankind.

All that, it seems, in another bit of irony, was not enough to keep the boat afloat forever.

David Stone‘s most recent books are 21 Poems and Lucky To Have Her, a novel.

Also from Assorted Ideas, Large & Small

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