Bursting Into Summer: Roosevelt Island Now, June 2024

Bursting Into Summer: Roosevelt Island Now, June 2024

Something’s happening on Roosevelt Island. It’s June 2024, and the signs are everywhere. There’s green grass and warm weather, but more so, it’s Roosevelt Islanders getting together with excitement we haven’t seen in years.

by David Stone

The Roosevelt Island Daily News

June 2024, But Not Quite

The Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association (RIVAA) steps up first. Their much-awaited Pride Month exhibit opens tonight, although the official opening reception waits until Saturday.

Other events during the show’s tenure include dance and classical music performances.

Before that opening, though, the Carter Burden Network steps up with another wildly successful Eileen Fisher Renew gig.

These get a little crazy.


Eileen Fisher Renew is a program by the clothing brand Eileen Fisher that focuses on giving new life to pre-loved garments. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Take-back program: Customers can bring in gently used Eileen Fisher clothing and receive rewards.
  • Reworked clothes: These returned items are then mended, dyed, or otherwise reworked into unique, one-of-a-kind pieces.
  • Resold items: The reworked clothes get a second chance at life and are sold online and in select Eileen Fisher stores.
  • Sustainable focus: Eileen Fisher Renew promotes sustainability by reducing waste and extending the life cycle of clothing.
  • Variety of products: The program offers a range of items, from clothing and accessories to home goods made from recycled materials.

In short, Eileen Fisher Renew is a program that allows for more sustainable fashion choices by giving pre-loved garments a second chance and reducing clothing waste.

Roosevelt Islanders Giving Their Best for the Arts

Charity starts at home, and for June 2024, it does here too. Roosevelt Island’s favorite (and probably only) activist/musician/raconteur Matthew Katz brings his best to the Howe Theatre, supporting Main Street Theatre and Dance Alliance.

Adding to the musical pleasures, Katz adds the operatic voice of Sherie Helstien to the mix.

Keeping the Ball Rolling

Not to be outdone, The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) has scheduled a Pride Flag Raising for Monday at the Blackwell House Circle.

Other events will follow in June 2024, with more chances for Roosevelt Islanders getting together as a community. Open-air jazz concerts will certainly follow, plus these already scheduled events.

…and RIVAA completes its classical music cycle by month’s end:

June 2024 promises to be a month to remember on Roosevelt Island.

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