How will congestion pricing affect Roosevelt Island?

How will congestion pricing affect Roosevelt Island?

A photo contributed by Roosevelt Islander Janet Falk reminds us that Congestion Pricing is on the way, and it will impact the Island uniquely.

by David Stone

The Roosevelt Island Daily News

Congestion Pricing and Roosevelt Island

Falk’s photo shows the Manhattan borderline where sensors tick off at least 15 bucks on every passing vehicle. But apart from seeing the installation collecting fees every time we ride the Tram, how will congestion pricing affect Roosevelt Island?

Back when the idea first caught serious attention, I asked then-City Council Member Ben Kallos about exceptions for Roosevelt Islanders. Since we live in Manhattan with limited options, shouldn’t we catch a break?

Kallos said he’d fight for us, but it took too long. Kallos is not here anymore, and the battle for exceptions is great. RIOC seems oblivious to the issue, but since it will cost President/CEO Shelton J. Haynes $15 every time he crosses over to claim his special parking place, maybe the state agency will wake up.

Probably not, though.

The Official New York State Shelton J. Haynes Parking Area. Will he plunk down $15 every time comes in and claims his spot?

The likely and the inevitable

Roosevelt Island is the closest a lot of people can get to Manhattan’s bigger island toll-free. That makes our parking spaces more valuable, including those in Motorgate.

So, expect an increase in drivers from Queens and Long Island cruising for open spots anywhere on Main Street. And hopping on Red Buses for a ride to the Tram or subway. A $2.95 fare beats $15 any day.

And more wheels over already beaten down Main Street Z-bricks.

While that isn’t optimal for many, it’s the best choice for others. Therefore, look for fewer parking places and more crowding on the Tram, the F Train and the ferry.

Congestion pricing, though, will affect Roosevelt Islanders more because residents have fewer choices. Living here will not give drivers any advantage over parking spaces unless RIOC comes up with a viable plan favoring it. That’s not likely.

Some locals will leave their cars home in favor of mass transit, adding to potential crunches, especially during rush hours and in tourist season.


We won’t see the full impact for a while, and experiences elsewhere suggest that congestion pricing will stop only about 20% of the traffic. But the air will be that much cleaner, and maybe carpooling will take away a lot of stress.

We’ll keep watching.

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