Conquering the Fear of Mortality: Why We Obsess Over What Comes After Life (and How to Make Peace with It)

Contemplating our mortality is a common human experience, often leading to anxiety. Influenced by culture, religion, and a desire for legacy, we fear the unknown after death. However, by focusing on the present, embracing mortality, finding purpose, and seeking support, we can cultivate peace and live a fulfilling life, leaving a positive legacy.


The End of Anti-Woke Politics?

It turns out most Americans are “woke,” with even Republicans rejecting Ron DeSantis’s efforts to “Floridize” the country. By Jim Hightower | March 13, 2024/OtherWords The Roosevelt


Deathbed Visions at the End: A Glimpse Between Life and Death

Recently we wrote about eye-opening incidents of terminal lucidity. Now, we’ll look at deathbed visions, which may open a similar window into unexplored reality. Death,