Fungi: The Mysterious Misfits of the Natural World

In the world of life, fungi stand apart from plants and animals. They are the enigmatic goth kids of the natural world, playing a vital role in nutrient cycling and forming partnerships with other organisms. From antibiotics to culinary delights, fungi are far more intriguing than we may realize.


Life as a City Tree: Observations from a Hackberry

In a bustling city, a hackberry tree observes human habits and muses on their peculiar contradictions. From frantic busyness to tech addiction and extravagant waste, it questions if humans truly appreciate the world around them. The tree suggests slowing down, embracing simplicity, and experiencing the environment to coexist more harmoniously.


Isle Wild Documentary: Preserving Nature with Wildlife Freedom Foundation

The upcoming documentary Isle Wild, premiering on June 30th, showcases the Wildlife Freedom Foundation’s efforts in preserving nature and animal welfare on Roosevelt Island, NYC. The foundation runs cat sanctuaries, rehabilitates injured wildlife, and conducts community outreach despite facing funding and space challenges. Join the film festival to learn more about their inspiring work!