Deathbed Visions at the End: A Glimpse Between Life and Death

Deathbed Visions at the End: A Glimpse Between Life and Death

Recently we wrote about eye-opening incidents of terminal lucidity. Now, we’ll look at deathbed visions, which may open a similar window into unexplored reality.

The Roosevelt Island Daily News

Death, the great unknown, often holds a certain fascination for people.

For decades, people have shared their experiences of deathbed visions where they see deceased loved ones, angels or other supernatural beings. These visions have stirred our imagination and curiosity, leading us to question what they really mean.

Let’s take a closer look, exploring their implications and what we can learn from them.

Defining the Experience

Deathbed visions, one of several unexplained end-of-life experiences, occur during the very last stages of a person’s life. These experiences vary from person to person.

Some describe seeing deceased loved ones, religious figures, or beautiful scenery, while others witness supernatural beings such as angels or other unexplainable entities.

One of the most remarkable attributes of deathbed visions is that they are not hallucinations or delusions.

Hallucinations are often associated with drug or mental illness and contain random and unrealistic phantasmagoria. On the other hand, Deathbed Visions have a particular pattern, and they are often coherent and meaningful.

Since deathbed visions have a specific pattern, it is essential to understand them better. Dr. Peter Fenwick, a consulting neuropsychologist at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, has researched and written extensively about these experiences.

How a Converted Believer Sees It

According to Dr. Fenwick, the visions seem to indicate that consciousness is not entirely tied to the brain, suggesting that it may continue beyond the physical body.

Furthermore, the visions provide comfort and peace for the dying.

Interviews with hospice nurses and physicians indicate that the terminally ill patient, after experiencing a deathbed vision, has a profound sense of comfort; they seem less anxious and less afraid.

Another remarkable observation about deathbed visions is their consistency across cultures and religions. Regardless of religious beliefs or cultural backgrounds, people all over the world describe similar scenes in their experiences.

Moreover, even some skeptics have had these experiences during the dying process, which makes them wonder.


Despite the mystery surrounding deathbed visions, one thing is clear: they provide comfort and a sense of peace to dying patients. Whether these experiences are a glimpse into the afterlife, a natural function of the dying process, or a manifestation of the brain’s last moments, they seem to provide comfort and solace.

Ultimately, the importance of Deathbed Visions is the message of hope they offer to those who are scared of what lies beyond.

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